St Mary’s @ Hope Community Methodist Church (Barnbygate)
8.00am Said Holy Communion (2nd Sunday of every month) in St Mary’s
9.00 am Traditional Choral Eucharist at Hope Community Methodist Church
11.00 am Contemporary Worship at The Mount School
5.00 pm Choral Evensong at Hope Community Methodist Church
Thursdays : 10.15am Holy Communion at Hope Community Methodist Church
At St Leonard’s:
11am Holy Communion or Service of the Word
A bit more about our services:
Said Holy Communion
This is a quiet and reflective service of Holy Communion. It’s like the 11:00 service, but without any singing.
St Mary Magdalene
Holy Communion (with music)
A formal service of Holy Communion, with a choir and hymns and an organ. The people leading the service wear robes, and we follow a liturgy found in the service books. There is some children’s work during the sermon most Sundays, and you can come early for refreshments. (Coffee Meet – 10.30-11.00 every Sunday)
St Mary Magdalene
Holy Communion
An informal service of Holy Communion. There may be some children’s work during the service, and you can stay afterwards for tea and coffee.
St Leonard
Contemporary Worship
This is an exciting venture at St Mary’s – very different to our other services. It’s interactive, contemporary, and we’ve planned it all the
way through to include and involve children. All are welcome; if you’re looking for an activity to do with your children then this is
particularly for you! Please do stay after the service for refreshments and conversation (Coffee Meet 10.30-11.00 every Sunday)
St Mary Magdalene
Choral Evensong
This is our most traditional service. Like the 8:00am service it’s quiet and reflective, but you’ll hear the choir singing a good deal of this service. There is a written liturgy, composed in the 1600’s.
St Mary Magdalene
Morning Prayer
We start each weekday with a time of prayer, following the Church of England’s pattern of daily prayer.
St Mary Magdalene
Celtic Prayer
A time of reflective prayer, using the celtic daily prayer liturgy. We also pray during this time for all of the prayer requests put up on the prayer board in church.
St Mary Magdalene
Mid Week Said Holy Communion
Very similar to the Sunday 8:00am service, although with different bible readings. On the first Wednesday of the month we pray for healing for people, and anoint them with oil. Please stay for tea and coffee afterwards.
St Mary Magdalene
Choral Evening Prayer
Choral Evening Prayer uses modern language, with traditional hymns and choral music. This 25 minute service takes place during term time and is sung by the children in the choir.
St Mary Magdalene