Volunteer in Services

We couldn’t hold our services without valuable help from our volunteers. Find out how you can help by e-mailing us at office@stmnewark.org or by filling out the application form below.

A silver chalice covered with a white napkin, two glass containers one filled with yellow liquid another with clear liquid and a wooden box with a cross engraved

Reading & Intercessions

Are you a confident speaker? Or want to develop your confidence? Then join our reading and intercessions team.

A server in a white robe holding a candle facing to the right. A vicar in a white robe with his back to the camera, and another server in a white robe facing to the left holding a candle to the

Be a Verger

Interested in what goes on behind the scenes in a service? Then join us as a volunteer verger and help to make our services run smoothly!

A woman reading at a lectern

Be a Server

If you are comfortable being in front of others and you think you would like to play a part within a worship service as a server then contact us at office@stmnewark.org

Application Form