Parochial Church Council
A parochial church council is the executive committee of a Church of England and consists of clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the laity.
The PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the churches in its parish, and the care and maintenance of church fabric and contents as well as having a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish, and to co-operate in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. This includes almost everything to do with the church’s work in the parish, and its relationship with the deanery and the diocese. PCC members are also trustees, which entails various responsibilities under charity law.
Following the APCM on Thursday 16th May 2024 we are pleased to let you know that the current members of the PCC 2024 are:
Rector: Chris Lion;
Curate: Danny Marshall
Church Wardens: Andrew, Fearn, Tony Roberts.
James Howlett, Angela Hatter, Sue Dutton, Tony Yates, Peter Searle, Steve Turner, Anne Coyne, Sheck Matsiko, Cheryl Turner, Rosemary Smith, Kay Bellhouse, Sally Davies. Claire Maydew.
Treasurer: Mr Pat Mercer
Secretary: Mrs Louise Marshall
Deanery Synod Members are: Peter Searle, Tony Yates. We have one vacancy.
Newark Churches Together members are: Chris Lion, Nick Carter, Lily Grob.
If you have any questions or think you’d be interested in joining our PCC please contact Louise Marshall, the PCC Secretary, who will be able to give you more information and answer any questions you might have. (office@stmnewark.org)