Venue & Hire
If you are here because you are thinking of hiring out St Mary Magdalene for an event or service we’d love to hear from you. Please have a read of our conditions of booking below and drop us an email ( office@stmnewark.org) with the details of your event and proposed date and timings. We’ll then be in touch with you just as soon as we can. Thank you.
The Church Council of St. Mary Magdalene is pleased that you wish to hire the Church but do remember that it is primarily a place of worship.
BOOKING – To secure your booking, a Booking Form must be completed and sent with a £50 non-refundable deposit to the address shown on the form. This form requires a signature to confirm that the Hirer has read, and agreed to, the booking conditions listed below. St. Mary’s Church Council may cancel the booking at any time if the booking might, in the opinion of the Priest in Charge & Churchwardens prejudice the reputation of the Church or circumstances arise which conflict with the primary purpose of the building.
CAR PARKING – Unfortunately there is no car parking available at the church. It is possible for vehicles to unload instruments etc at the West End but they must park elsewhere.
CHILD PROTECTION ARRANGEMENTS – The hirer is responsible for ensuring that suitable child protection arrangements are in place (including current DBS checks are held by individuals involved in the event).
CLOSING – Any function in the church must be finished (i.e. the premises cleared up and everyone out of the building) by 10.30pm at the latest.
COFFEE BAR – If this area is used by the hirer it must be left clean & tidy at the end of the event. Rubbish must be bagged up and left beside the bin.
DRINKS LICENCE – St. Mary’s Church Council does not have a licence to sell alcohol. If alcohol is to be sold at an event (and this includes cases where the cost of an alcoholic drink is included in the price of the entry ticket), it is the responsibility of the hirer to apply to the local authority for a Temporary Event Notice. Information as to how to make such an application is available from the legal department of Newark & Sherwood District Council (direct telephone number 01636 655894). Please note – the hirer must provide its own glasses, as St. Mary’s does not have any.
FURNITURE etc – The hirer is responsible for arranging tables, chairs (and other items requested on the booking form). At the end of the event, the hirer, under the supervision of the duty Verger, is responsible for returning the church to its normal state ready for worship.
LIABILITY – St. Mary’s Church Council does not accept any liability for failure to provide, or delay in providing, the services the hirer has booked as a result of circumstances beyond its control. (e.g. a power cut)
St. Mary’s Church Council can accept no responsibility for the property of those using the venue. Any goods deposited with representatives of St. Mary’s are at the owners’ risk and without obligation on the part of the Church Council.
Please be aware that St. Mary’s Church Council takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to goods, equipment or property belonging to those taking part in the event, the audience or contractors whilst present at St. Mary’s howsoever caused.
During the period of hire, the hirer shall be responsible for any damage caused to the premises by wilful acts, negligence or default, and shall pay to St. Mary’s Church Council on demand, the amount required to make good any such damage.
LIGHTS – The duty Verger will put lights on for the event but should the hirer need to adjust the lighting during the event they must ask the Verger to show them where the light switches are located.
OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS – If any outside contractors (e.g. caterers, electricians etc) are brought in by the hirer prior to the event, their day & time of arrival must be agreed in advance with the Verger (Tel. 01636 706473). This will avoid any clashes with a service or another booking. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that any contractors are suitably qualified and are insured.
PAYMENT – A balancing invoice will be sent after the event and payment is required no later than 14 days after the event unless otherwise agreed.
PIANO & ORGAN – It is the hirer’s responsibility to move the piano and/or organ console if it is necessary, and to move them back into their original positions at the end of the event. The hirer is also responsible for arranging and paying for the tuning of the piano or organ and this must be discussed at the time of booking.
PHOTOGRAPHY – The hirer must decide in advance upon the most suitable policy for photography / video recording during the event and make this known to the audience. The hirer should also consider child protection issues in relation to this.
PULPIT – The pulpit and stairs must not be moved unless agreed otherwise at the time of the booking.
SAFETY PROCEDURE – Please speak to the duty Verger about location of the first aid kit and emergency of the building. The Hirer must nominate Stewards who will be briefed by the duty verger about safety precautions & exits. There is a telephone in the vestry. Hirers are expected to provide appropriate first aid cover for events (e.g. by St. John’s Ambulance Brigade), especially if large numbers are expected.
At the commencement of the event the hirer or nominated person must brief the audience with the fire precautions and exit routes.
SIGNS/POSTERS – Please do not attach signs or posters to any internal or external walls, doors or furniture other than by using ‘Bluetack’ or similar.
SMOKING – All areas of St. Mary’s and the outer curtilage are strictly No Smoking. The hirer is responsible for ensuring the good conduct of all that participate in the event or attend it.
The hirer is responsible for monitoring behaviour, care for the building and ensuring that smoking or drug use does not take place.
VERGER – A duty Verger will be on the premises at all times during the event (unless otherwise agreed) but may be in the vestry rather than the body of the Church. The hirer should be thoroughly familiar with the layout of the church. The vestry is not available for use by outside hirers.
W.Cs. – There are 2 unisex toilets and one of these is modified for disabled access. The hirer should report any problem with these facilities during the event to the duty Verger.
St. Mary Magdalene with St Leonard Parochial Church Council. Registered charity no. 1131972