Our Services

Please note, that due to The Reawakening of St Mary Magdalene project, services at St Mary’s have been temporarily relocated. More information on alternative locations can be found below.

We accommodate a wide range of worship types at St Mary’s and St Leonard’s from traditional to contemporary; of which more information can be found below.

We pride ourselves on our youth and family work, and
provide a friendly welcome to people from across the community.

St Mary Magdalene


8:00- Holy Communion (2nd Sunday of the month only) (St Mary Magdalene, NG24 1JS)
9:00- Sung Eucharist (Hope Community Methodist Church, Barnby Gate, NG24 1PX
11:00- Contemporary Worship (Mount C of E Primary School, NG24 1EW)
17:00- Choral Evensong (Hope Community Methodist Church, Barnby Gate, NG24 1PX)


10:15- Holy Communion (Hope Community Methodist Church, Barnby Gate, NG24 1PX)

a religious service at St Mary's

St Leonard


11:00- Holy Communion OR Service of the Word

A brick build brutalist building (a church), with a green lawn in front

Types of Worship

  • An informal service of Holy Communion. There may be some children’s work during the service, and you can stay afterwards for tea and coffee at St Leonard.

St Leonard’s

  • This is a quiet and reflective service of Holy Communion at St Mary Magdalene

  • A formal service of Holy Communion, with a choir and hymns and an organ. The people leading the service wear robes, and we follow a liturgy found in the service books. There is some children’s work during the sermon most Sundays. This is held at St Mary Magdalene

  • This is an exciting venture at St Mary’s – very different to our other services. It’s interactive, contemporary, and we’ve planned it all the way through to include and involve children. All are welcome; if you’re looking for an activity to do with your children then this is particularly for you!

  • This is our most traditional service at St Mary’s. It is quiet and reflective, but you’ll hear the choir singing a good deal of this service. We follow a written liturgy, composed in the 1600’s.

St Mary’s