Will St Mary’s close down for the repair works?

St Mary’s will close in November 2024, and will be closed for approximately 14 months to allow all necessary repair works to be completed safely. We will post updates on our website, on social media, and in the weekly Bitesize news, which you can sign up for here.

Where will services be held while St Mary’s is closed?


9:30 Prayer for Church and Town- St Mary Magdalene Vestry

10:00 Said Communion- Hope Community Methodist Church

8:00 Said Communion- St Mary Magdalene (2nd Sunday of the month)

9:00 Sung Eucharist- Hope Community Methodist Church

11:00 Contemporary Worship- Mount C of E Primary School

17:00 Evensong- Hope Community Methodist Church

For more information, e-mail office@stmnewark.org

Can I volunteer with the church?

Yes, you can. To join one of our teams, e-mail office@stmnewark.org

Can I get involved in The Reawakening of St Mary Magdalene project?

Yes! We are always looking for volunteers to help us out, and there are lots of ways you can be involved. We have a number of different volunteer opportunities, which can be found here. Alternatively, if you want to speak to someone, then please e-mail our team at volunteering@stmnewark.org for more information.

How do I find out more information about the activities you are running?

You can sign up for Bitesize News, follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or e-mail heritage@stmnewark.org for more information.

Do you offer work experience opportunities?

Yes! We do offer short-term unpaid work experience for over-16s. For more information e-mail volunteering@stmnewark.org.